Senast uppdaterad: 2024-06-24

Facts about breast cancer in Sweden
Each year around 8,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the most common form of cancer in women. Thanks to advances in research and effective new treatments, the prognosis for breast cancer is steadily improving. Today, 8 out of 10 people survive the disease.
Importance of early diagnosis
All women aged between 40 and 74 who are registered as Swedish residents are offered a free mammogram every two years. The earlier breast cancer is discovered, the better the outcome and the chances of returning to full health. It is important to go for your mammogram every time you are invited, as the radiologists compare the images from previous screenings. Since the Swedish mammography programme was introduced, breast cancer survival rates have doubled.
Check your breasts
It is good to get into the habit of checking your breasts once a month. This way, you can discover any changes or lumps in between the times of your mammograms. Download the Klämdagen app for instructions and monthly reminders on your mobile phone. The app is available in Arabic, English, Turkish, Somali and Swedish.
For more information about breast cancer and for information in other languages, visit https://www.europadonna.org/
For support and contact with other breast cancer patients, get in touch with one of our local breast cancer branches via https://brostcancerforbundet.se/fa-stod/
If you need medical advice, contact 1177 or visit www.1177.se